Thursday, April 19, 2007

Post-Independence Era - Modernisation and Expansion

After Independence, Philately in India gained further momentum. Number of issues on varied themes-historical, cultural, artistic, developmental and scientific – came to be issued reflecting the rich heritage of the country. Series such as those on Mahatma Gandhi (1948), Archaeological series of definitive stamps (1949), Republic of India (1950), Indian Saints and Saint Poets (1952), Five-Year Plan series (1955) and Map of India series (1957) proved very popular among collectors. By 1971, India Security Press was equipped with a multi-coloured machine for printing stamps by photogravure process. With this, India started issuing multi-coloured stamps which added both colour and variety. Thereafter India has come out with many multi-coloured stamps and demand for Indian stamps in UK, USA, Japan and Australia. The network of Philatelic Bureaux and Counters across the country was expanded to make for easier access to Philatelists to new issues. By 1980 there were 30 Bureaux and 142 Philatelic Counters in the country, including 2 Bureaux and 2 Counters in the Army Postal Service.

The series of stamps on Birds, Wild Life, dances, Brides, Tribes, Flowers and Flowering Trees, Railway Engines and Airplanes, Adventure Sports etc. provided a delightful fare to thematic enthusiasts.

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